Turning Fifty-Fun!


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forget your age

I turned fifty-one on Sunday. Yikes. Last year was the big ‘50’, I had a little trouble with that one…1/2 a century, AARP, and all that. This year…its cool…I’m good, (after all another birthday is better than the alternative, right?). It’s a bit of a cliché to say you are only as old or young as you feel or age is just a number…but I sure don’t feel fifty-one, or as a friend of mine stated… Fifty-Fun! (Love that!) In fact, I feel better, healthier, younger than I have EVER felt, honest!

green cupcakeA little bit of history about me.  I was a sickly kid… just about every cold went into bronchitis and several times into pneumonia.  I missed a month of school in elementary hospitalized for pneumonia and pleurisy, and missed an entire semester in high school due to the same.  Allergies, asthma, sinus problems…I was sick well into adulthood. I went through 3 years of allergy shots, breathing treatments, various prescriptions and over the counter meds.

When I became a mom it became even worse, especially when I had 3 young children and little sleep…I took Allegra, Claritin (sometimes both together, not recommended), Flonase, Advil cold & Sinus almost daily.  Just trying to breath and get through the day. I had zero energy.  My Doctor told me he could no longer give me antibiotics for my back to back sinus infections…to say I was miserable is a huge understatement!

Then a friend shared Shaklee products with me, to say I was skeptical is a huge understatement! I was stubborn for a long time and finally I was so sick and tired of being sick and tired…I told her “Just give me what ever will make me feel better!” And she did.

I have never looked back…and I have NEVER felt better ever since.  Honest. Truly. I thank God that I found these products…I thought I was just destined to be sick.  For my program and the exact products I used to free myself from sickness…stay tuned! 


Hello World!


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Why ‘The Green Icing’? Well, “Icing on the cake” is a figure of speech to
 describe making something that is already good better...you know, like 
cake is good, but  it's even better with icing on it. You can also use it 
sarcastically. For example, "I was having an awful day, and then the icing 
on the cake – I had a flat tire!"
The “Icing” to me represents the second half of life, the next 50 years 
(yes, I am  going to live to 100) and I believe this next part is/will be 
even better…thus the  “icing”. Though there are some days that the icing
is a little runny, or salt was substituted for sugar…you get the picture.  
I’m writing this blog for myself and also hope to entertain/inspire/
encourage  others who are over 50, or will be 50 someday, or on a 
weight loss journey, or managing a home business, or all of the above.  
My hope is that those in a similar situation to me may benefit by my 
present experiences, and those who have been where I was as well. 
Why green?  Green represents my current business both with the 
products I distribute and what I earn by doing what I love.  It’s also
 a really pretty color that has grown on me over the years (no pun
 intended) I grew up with hideous  green shag carpet that made me
 hate the color. But I’m over that now…mostly. I am also passionate
 about the environment and helping others learn to live ‘Green’ and 
So…the cake is done and cooling…now to whip up the best darn icing 
that I can!